'' Coast to Coast Auto Transport: Best Car Shipping Company To Ship Car From East Coast To West Coast
"Family Owned Since 1999"(800) 794-9009

Dealing with Damage During Transportation

When you are choosing a shipping company to transport your vehicle it’s always a difficult choice as there are a million questions swirling through your head. Questions like what kind of damage should I expect and how do I prepare for it. Well you can sleep tightly knowing that thousands of vehicles are shipped each day without damage. There is however some vehicles that do incur some damage. So here are some tips on how to properly prepare for auto transportation:

  • Carefully inspect your vehicle upon delivery, make sure your in a well lit area as there are some auto haulers who deliver during the night and hope that you will not see any damage. It is very important that you identify any damages before the driver leaves.
  • Check for dents, scratches, broken glass, and any other damage that could happen during auto transportation.
  • Frequent areas over looked are the roof and under the rear and front bumpers.

If there is any damage site it in the Bill of Lading. While in the possession of your vehicle it is insured. You will also report in the Bill of Lading any damage before transportation. Once you site the damage make sure the driver signs it. There will be little to no alternative of reporting the damage if the driver leaves without signing the Bill of Lading.

Last but not least contact your auto transportation company. They will request a copy of the Original Inspection Report and photos taken of the damage. They will also request that you provide a body shop estimate for the damage.

Contact the professionals at Coast to Coast Auto Transport today to speak to their team about shipping your vehicle.

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